Markdown content formatting

We only support markdown for content formatting. HTML tags will be stripped out. Use in content, abstract, description input fields. This is a brief help guide to the markdown syntax. Note that our markdown flavor is mostly similar to standard markdown but we support a few extensions.

Titles and headers

Define header elements or titles with a leading # at the beginning of a line followed by a space. All text to the end of the line is used for the title.

# Header 1 title sample
## Header 2 title sample
### Header 3 title sample
#### Header 4 title sample
##### Header 5 title sample
###### Header 6 title sample

Header 1 title sample

Header 2 title sample

Header 3 title sample

Header 4 title sample

Header 5 title sample
Header 6 title sample

Any header may include attributes `id`, `class`, `attribute` by following the header text with the same level and enclosing the attributes in braces, as follows: ## Header 2 ## {#id .class attribute=value}

Inline text

*normal emphasis*
**strong emphasis**
> block-quote
`code or fixed-size font`
   /* multi-line code section */
   return $result;

This is emphasized text marked by *

This is emphasized text marked by **

This is underlined text marked by _

This is deleted text marked by ~

This is inserted text marked by +

This is larger text marked by ^

This is smaller text marked by $

This is code or fix-font text marked by `

This is a blockquote section marked with > at the beginning of a line.

   /* multi-line code section */
   return $result;

    [link text](link-url-href "link title")
    [link text](link-url-href "link title"){#id .class attribute=value}
    [link text][link-id]
    [link-id]: "Link title"

This is an example link text hyper-link to another page.

Link must be properly enclosed and must be all on a single line.

Linking to other objects

Link to internal objects using the # and dot-syntax. For example:

#C-varyn-1 creates a link to conference varyn-1.

#C-varyn-1.14 creates a link to topic 14 in conference varyn-1.

#C-varyn-1.14.22 creates a link to comment number 22 of topic number 14 in conference varyn-1.


Images are similar to links and indicated with ![ and the necessary closing tag. Markdown also allows the reference link concept for images.

    ![img alt text](img-link-url-src "img title")
    ![img alt text](img-link-url-src "img title"){#id .class attribute=value}
    ![img alt text][img-id]
    [img-id]: "Img title"

This is an example image img alt text link.


- simple
+ simple
* simple
* simple with indented nested list
   * indented nested list
   * indented nested list
* [ ] simple with checkbox
* [X] simple with checked checkbox
1. Numbered
2. [ ] Numbered with checkbox
Definition list term
:   definition description. Note the colon must start at the same indent as the term.


Tables are setup using the "pipe" | character to delineate the table cells. A table row must begin with | and each table row should have the same number of divisions. In the header designation a : character indicates the cell justification:

  • ----: right justification
  • :---- left justification
  • :----: center justification
| Header | Col-2 | Col-3 |
| **item-1** | $0.00 | product-id |
| **item-2** | $99 | product-id |
| **item-3** | $22.44 | product-id |


That's some text with a footnote.[^1] [^1]: And that's the footnote.